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Basquiat bookshelves

Basquiat and Books

Basquiat took inspiration from a dizzying array of source material - how many literary references can you spot?

Basquiat dancing

On Basquiat's Playlist

From Prince to David Byrne to Donna Summer and Bach, we listen to the music that might have been on Basquiat's playlist

A photo showing a character called Lois Weaver in glasses, wearing a black jacket on the phone. It is a red coloured phone and is on a table with some paper. In the background there is a clip from Dr. Strangelove the film

In Their Words: Split Britches

Lois Weaver and Peggy Shaw of Split Britches talk to theatre writer and journalist Carole Woddis about their latest show, changing perceptions, hidden resources and hope.

Photo of visitors in the Art Gallery

Introduction to: Curating

Curating an exhibition requires organisation, passion and a balance of commercial and artistic drive. We meet a panel of curators to learn more about the purpose and power of curation. 

Photo of a figure floating under water

A History of Transgender Performance

Following its successful debut at the Barbican last autumn, Transpose guides this year’s audience on an illuminating theatrical journey. Actor, author and singer-songwriter CN Lester takes a brief look at the history of transgender performance.

Barbican Young Programmers

Careers in Film

How do you start a career in film? We asked a panel of film industry experts to share their experiences and the paths that led them to a career in film.  

a black and white photo of women dressed as witches

Barbican Meets: The Famous Lauren Barri Holstein

Blurring the lines between live art, dance, theatre and fine art, The Famous Lauren Barri Holstein interrogates representations of female subjectivity. We meet the artist to find out more about her work, her influences, and ‘witch-bitch rituals’…

people talking and people listening

Introduction to: Programming

How do you get started as a programmer? We speak to the professionals to learn more about the joys of arts programming and hear their tips for those starting out in the industry. 

Photo of John Akomfrah Purple exhibition

On John Akomfrah's Purple

Oliver Basciano considers an ambitious new video installation by British artist and film-maker John Akomfrah, in which he addresses climate change and its effect on our planet.