EDI Action Plan

Inclusive leadership and line management
We’ll define inclusive leadership competencies and embed them in our recruitment processes, training and performance reviews. Line managers and teams will have specific EDI targets depending on their role.
Our actions:
- Embed inclusivity into brand and tone of voice
- Clarify line manager responsibilities on EDI and build into learning and recruitment
- Define and develop inclusive leadership competencies
- Embed EDI into objective setting
- Raise profile as a visible and credible EDI presence in the wider sector
- Role model responsible procurement
- Standardise EDI experience for leadership & management recruitment

Empowered and collaborative teams
We’ll create team specific EDI action plans in collaboration with our EDI team and Diversity Networks. EDI standards will be embedded into contracts with our artistic and business partners.
Our actions:
- Development plan for Diversity Networks
- Create effective and inclusive governance for EDI and more widely
- Embed EDI standards into contracts with partners
- Increase inclusive decision-making
- Co-design team-based EDI action plans, with supporting resource

Data and analytics
We’ll use diversity data to inform decision making and support us in achieving our targets. Data will be collected through staff and audience data, regular surveys and tracking the impact of EDI training. This data will be transparent and available to our staff. We’ll also publish this externally where appropriate.
Our actions:
- Greater detail & transparency in EDI data analysis
- Inclusion measures in people & pulse surveys
- Increase use of equality analysis & human-centred design
- Raise EDI data completion rates
- Set EDI targets for monitoring & evaluation
- Use EDI data to inform decisions
- Track, monitor and target Zero-tolerance issues

A strategic approach to audiences
Our EDI strategy will support our ongoing work in developing our Audience Strategy. We will set audience and programming EDI goals through a more inclusive programme and a greater emphasis on audience experience.
Our actions:
- Become more audience-centred and audience-informed in decision-making
- Develop an Audience Strategy focused on increasing and diversifying audiences
- Develop inclusive programming practices
- Create a fully comprehensive accessibility offer across the centre
- Incorporate EDI aspects of the Barbican’s Creative Vision into the Audience Strategy
- Introduce audience and programme EDI goals

Informing the people agenda
We’re reviewing and improving our policies and processes, including recruitment and promotion. Work is also underway to provide an enhanced mental health and wellbeing offer.
Our actions:
- Collaboratively design and deliver an anti-racism action plan with the Global Majority Network
- Increase consistency and transparency in talent and promotion decisions
- Efficient use of people & pulse surveys to build more inclusive team cultures
- Provide an effective reasonable adjustment package
- Provide an enhanced mental health and wellbeing offer
- Review & adapt our recruitment processes to reduce bias

Learning and development
We’re redesigning our staff induction process to include EDI learning, and creating an EDI curriculum to develop core competencies such as understanding privilege, oppression, and allyship.
Our actions:
- Design and deliver bespoke team-level EDI learning programmes
- Introduce EDI coaching and inclusive leadership development
- Design and embed an EDI curriculum
- Introduce mental Health, wellbeing, tailored adjustments and access training
- Introduce micro-behaviours training
- Redesign EDI induction
- Reverse mentoring programme
- Continue rolling out zero tolerance training

Anti-Racism Action Plan
We're committed to anti-racism. Read our 17-point plan to find out how we're establishing a foundation for anti-racism at the Barbican.