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Exhibition hire (Barbican Immersive)

AI: More than Human

PoemPortraits, Es Devlin

AI: More than Human is an unprecedented survey of creative and scientific developments in Artificial Intelligence, exploring the evolution of the relationship between humans and technology.

AI: More than Human presents new commissions and projects by artists, scientists and researchers Joy Buolamwini, Mario Klingemann, Kode 9, Lawrence Lek, Massive Attack, Lauren McCarthy, Yoichi Ochiai, Neri Oxman, Anna Ridler, Chris Salter, Xenoangel, and Universal Everything.

The exhibition tells the rapidly developing story of AI, from its extraordinary ancient roots in Japanese Shintoism; Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage’s early experiments in computing; to AI’s major developmental leaps from the 1940s to the present day to show how an age-old dream of creating intelligence has already become today’s reality. Told through some of the most prominent and cutting-edge research projects, from Deepmind, Jigsaw, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and Sony Computer Science Laboratories, alongside the artists who are embracing its new possibilities in their work.

With digital media, immersive art installations and a chance for visitors to interact directly with exhibits to experience AI’s capabilities first hand, this festival-style exhibition examines the subject from multiple global perspectives and give visitors the tools to decide for themselves how to navigate our evolving world. It will ask the big questions: What does it mean to be human? What is consciousness? Will machines ever outsmart humans? And how can humans and machines work collaboratively?

Co-produced in collaboration with Forum Groningen. 

Meet the curators and artists

Es Devlin's Poem Portraits

Exploring: AI - More Than Human

In collaboration with Google Arts & Culture, explore the AI: More than Human project page, featuring exhibition highlights, interviews with curators, artists and advisors, artist profiles.

photo of suzanne livingston and maholo uchida

What makes us human?



What makes us human? Why do we fear artificial intelligence and robots?

AI: More than Human curators Suzanne Livingston and Maholo Uchida unpack the big questions explored in this interactive exhibition.

Woman looking at photographs of tulips by a computer

Art + Technology: Will A.I Change Society?

Is art a human endeavour? Can robots or algorithms be creative? AI: More Than Human contains artwork that wouldn’t exist without an artificial helping hand. Artist Anna Ridler and Anna Holsgrove debate the challenges art and humanity face with A.I.

Woman looking up into a box

Art + Technology: When Art Meets the Artificial

To explore Artificial intelligence and humanity, some might start with the first PC, but AI: More than Human goes back to 846 BC. From Massive Attack to MiT, from extinct flowers to poetry we invites you to think and feel what it means to us now.

Woman walking down a ramp at the Barbican

Art + Technology: Finding Art in A Brutal Place

AI: More than Human curator Anna Holsgrove leads us through the Barbican’s Brutalist architecture to understand how this and other exhibitions display work from some of the most innovative minds to explore big important ideas.

Exhibition Info
