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Schools & colleges

Primary Schools

Group of students from Greenleaf School in stage performing

We provide unforgettable cultural learning experiences to inspire and engage young learners.

Conservatory Visits

Boy standing with a clipboard looking up in the conservatory, surrounded by plants.

Workshops and Self-led visits

Explore our living classroom! Book a free workshop (subject to availability), or a self-led visit, when the Conservatory is open exclusively for school and college groups. 

Conservation Creatures Workshop (11:00 – 12:30)
Join site-specific sound artists and theatre-makers GeoTone on an exploration of the Conservatory. Students will learn about ecosystems, whilst searching for and creating their own mythical creatures that can help to conserve the plants and their habitats!
This workshop has been developed for students with SEN/D but can be adapted for groups of up to 30 KS2 mainstream students.

Self-led visits (bookable timeslots at 1, 1:30 and 2pm)
These 50-minute sessions for groups of up to 30 students include a brief introduction to the Conservatory, followed by time in the space to use as you wish. Deliver your own lesson content, or use our pre-made creative prompts to generate original artworks and creative writing that respond to the environment.

Self-led visits are available to all Key Stages

Places are free but must be booked in advance. For the 24 /25 Academic Year, the visit dates are as below. Please sign up for our Newsletter to be notified when bookings open.


Spring term (bookings open 4th November 2024) 

  • Monday 17th March 2025 

Summer term (bookings open 21st April 2025) 

  • Monday 2nd June 2025 
  • Monday 7th July 2025 

For more information and to request to book, please email [email protected]. 

Please note that we’re unable to provide bespoke Conservatory visits outside of these dates. 

‘It was great, [our students] loved it! They loved working in a space so different from the norm.‘

Our Galleries


Schools and education groups are welcome at the Art Gallery and The Curve. Renowned for a diverse range of exhibitions, our galleries are stimulating places for students to experience major artworks by leading visual artists from around the globe, and to learn about contemporary and modern art. 


Ticket offers for Schools 

Entry to the Art Gallery is free for students up to Year 9 (UK), or international equivalents. 

A discounted group booking rate of £3 per student is available for older students in formal education groups of 10 or more people, up to the age of 19.  

To book for a school or college group of 10 or more, please email  [email protected]  or submit a request using our online form. 

Exhibitions in The Curve are free to enter. 

If you have any questions regarding your visit, or would like further information about our current exhibition, please contact [email protected]   

What's On

Schools Screenings

Schools Screenings

We organise free film screenings and events, exclusively for schools and home educators, across the year. These are programmed to link to topics, conversations and events relevant to children and young people, including International Women’s Day and Refugee Week, and are delivered in partnership with organisations including Into Film, BAFTA, and the Oska Bright Film Festival. 

Bring your learners to experience modern cinema, gain insight into the film industry and career pathways and enjoy a fun day out of the classroom. 

Sign up to our schools newsletter for details of future screenings as they are confirmed. 

What's On

Theatre Performances

School Visits Fund

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