Booking fees
£1.50 booking fee per online/phone transaction.
No fee when tickets are booked in person.
Booking fees are per transaction and not per ticket. If your booking contains several events the highest booking fee will apply. The booking fee may be reduced on certain events. Members do not pay booking fees.
Spring Jam
dir: Ned Wenlock, New Zealand, 5min 35sec, 2016
A young stag, lacking impressive antlers, knows he needs to improvise sweet music if he’s to have any chance during the mating season.
Mr Night Has A Day Off
dir: Ignas Meilunas, Lithuania, 2min, 2017
Unsatisfied, Mr Night is walking around the town changing all things to black until everything is as dark as night.
Keep On Rolling!
dir: Takashi Miike, Japan, 5min, 2016
An ambitious dung beetle can’t stop rolling poo. He perfects the art with every round thing he comes across.
A Rhino named Paul "Everybody sleeps"
dir: Dave Schlafman, Mike Annear, USA, 2min 40sec, 2015
It's bedtime, but a restless little rhino just isn't ready to call it a day.
Dust Buddies
dir: Sam Wade and Beth Tomashek, USA, 4min 5sec, 2016
A group of adorable dust bunnies live a humble, but happy existence until a dust-up with a determined maid gets them into an epic kerfuffle.
Deep Beneath The Earth
dir: Kim Noce and Shaun Clark, UK, 3min, 2017
The only thing young Lucy likes is gaming on her Ipad. But when she loses it in the woods she is determined to get it back.
The One Who Tamed the Clouds
dir: Julie Rembauville and Nicolas Bianco-Levrin, France, 4min, 2016
At the top of a canyon, the old Indian Flying Shadow teaches the young Nayati the ancient art of smoke signals.
dir: Marlies van der Wel, Netherlands, 2min, 2016
When Sabaku’s best friend Buffalo passes away, he needs to find himself a new friend.
Water Path For A Fish
dir: Mercedes Marro, France, 8min, 2016
In a Latin American town Oscar sleeps when a sudden gust of wind wakes him up. From his window he sees a goldfish in a dirty puddle, gasping for air.
dir: Eugeniy Fadeyev, Russia, 5min, 2015
A class of children go to see “Hamlet” with their strict teacher. When the children get bored, they start to laugh and wreak havoc.
About Coati
dir: Alexandra Slepchuk, Russia, 6min, 2015
A delightful fable about how to turn your weaknesses into strengths.
Awesome Beetle's Colours
dir: Indra Sproge, Latvia, 3min 15sec, 2016
A lovely song to guide you through the alphabet.
The Red Herring
dir: Leevi Lemmetty, Finland/Ireland, 6min 40sec, 2015
Are these penguins hungry or greedy?
Kochkunst - The Art of Cooking
dir: Stella Raith, Germany, 3min 15sec, 2016
The cook wants to make a pancake but it fights tooth and nail against returning to the pan.
In the Forest of Forgotten Umbrellas
dir: Dimitry Vysotskiy, Russia, 6min 35sec, 2016
Every night Dad tries to figure out what story to tell his little children.
dir: Max Mortl and Robert Loebel, Germany, 2min, 2017
On a small island a bunch of exotic creatures run across each other.