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Up (U)

Family Film Club

Pixar's Up

For those romantics out there, we're celebrating Valentine’s weekend with this delightful Pixar animation about found families, intergenerational friendship, the spirit of adventure and love.

In one of the greatest ever openings in cinema history – we learn the story of Carl and Ellie, a couple who meet as children, grow-up, fall in love, get married and, unable to start a family, scheme and save to take a trip to Paradise Falls in South America. But things don’t go according to plan and Carl ends up living alone, refusing to move into a nursing home as his neighbourhood is gentrified around him. But a chance encounter with one of the construction workers, forces Carl to take desperate action and he uses thousands of balloons to airlift his house off the ground and soar to Paradise Falls.

Up is a rare cinematic unicorn, a family film that is emotional but funny, powerful but light and at the same time – achingly beautiful to look at. A golden chance to experience this Oscar-winning classic on the big screen in all its glory. 

Tagged with: Cinema family film club

2009 USA Dirs Pete Docter, Bob Peterson 96 min

Please note: Over 18s can only come if they’re bringing a child, and children (under 18) can only come along if accompanied by an adult.

Booking is essential, so please book your tickets before attending.

The Family Film Club programme aims to screen films from a range of countries, styles and times, introducing a young audience to historical/archive content as well as the latest new releases.  

This film has been rated a U – but assessing suitability of any film is the responsibility of parent/guardian. Please see for more information on film ratings and content.

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