Life Rewired Hub

Part of Life Rewired

Life rewired hub main image

Inspired by and responding to our cross-arts season, Life Rewired, the Life Rewired Hub is our new pop-up space on Level G

Hosting a programme of talks, performances, workshops, and residencies, this flexible new structure invites audiences to engage with the dizzying impact of technological and scientific change on what it means to be human today.

In addition to this events programme, the Hub will be home to an exhibition which presents new writing and short films from artists and thinkers who are navigating the complex, vast, and all-too-often confusing discourse taking place around the impact of technology on our lives.

What's on in the Hub

Part of Life Rewired

A season exploring what it means to be human when technology is changing everything

Explore Life Rewired Reads

Throughout 2019 the Life Rewired Hub will house an exhibition of commissioned essays from writers and thinkers responding to our season.

Visit the hub to pick up your copy of these specially commissioned reads, or have a read online. 

Illustration: Catalina Velasquez



Watch Life Rewired Shorts

With thanks

The Royal Society

Level G