Part of The Art of Change
Book Stalls
Explore the New Suns book fair for free, featuring:
3 of Cups, And Other Stories, Book Works, Carcanet, Fitzcarraldo Editions, Granta Books and Magazine, Hachette (including Virago, Gollancz, Headline, Dialogue), Hammer Press, Haymarket Books, Ignota Books, Independent Alliance, Peninsular Press, Parthian, Penguin Random House (including Hamish Hamilton, Penguin Press, Allen Lane, Ebury), Pluto Press, PM Press, Profile and Serpent's Tail, PSS, Repeater Books, Semiotexte and MIT Press, Silver Press, The Second Shelf, Tilted Axis Press, Verso Books, Zed Books
Inpress, representing:
Arachne Press, Arc Publications, Burning Eye Books, Charco Press, Cinnamon Press, clinic, Dead Ink, Jacaranda Books, Les Fugitives, Nine Arches Press, Offord Road Books, Out-Spoken Press, Papillote Press, Peepal Tree Press, Peepal Tree Press, Penned in the Margins, Seren, Sidekick Books, Smokestack Books, The Emma Press, The Poetry Business, Tilted Axis Press, UEA Publishing Project (Boiler House Press & Strangers Press), Ugly Duckling Presse, Valley Press, Wrecking Ball Press
Turnaround, representing:
Arsenal Pulp Press, Autonomedia, BHP Comics, Centrala, Disney-Hyperion, Europa Editions, Fantagraphics, Feminist Press, Guerilla Girls, Honno, I Love Mel, Melville House, Microcosm Publishing, Myriad Editions, New Internationalist, Penguin USA, Plume, PM Press, POW!, Random House Canada, Razorbill, Seven Stories Press