Life Rewired Shorts

Life Rewired Shorts - Web Jungle by Yanqi Liang
What does a ‘free world’ look like for humans? Exploring ideas around surveillance and freedom, animator Yanqi Liang presents 'Web Jungle', a surreal world where civilians are surveyed by a group of administrators who monitor the jungle.

Life Rewired Shorts - Hovering Between Us by Miles Blacket
Miles Blacket presents his short film Hovering Between Us, exploring the digital disconnect between our digital lives and real day-to-day experience.
Life Rewired Shorts - Better by Emily Downe
What if everything was the same - but it looked better? Emily Downe presents her animated short, 'Better', exploring the ideal worlds of a perfectionist culture where a fantasy jungle acts as a portal to bring these worlds into 'real life'.
Life Rewired Shorts - Cyborgs by Cecilia Valensise
Documentary maker Cecilia Valensise explores the transhumans already walking amongst us in the latest film in our Life Rewired Shorts series.

Life Rewired Shorts - Divided We Scroll by Klaas Diersmann
How long have you spent scrolling today? Klaas Diersmann presents an experimental and eerie depiction of our intimate yet divisive and compulsive relationships with mobile technologies.

Life Rewired Shorts - WiFi in the Glen
How much do you rely on technology? Meet the residents of a remote community in the heart of the Scottish Highlands in ‘WiFi in the Glen’ to learn some of the surprising ways technology has influenced this ancient place.
Life Rewired Hub
Visit the Life Rewired Hub on Level G
Talks, performances, workshops and residencies
Inspired by and responding to our cross-arts season for 2019, the Life Rewired Hub is our new pop-up space on Level G. Hosting a programme of talks, performances, workshops, and residencies, this flexible new structure invites audiences to engage with the dizzying impact of technological and scientific change on what it means to be human today.
The Hub will be home to an exhibition which presents new writing and short films from artists and thinkers who are navigating the complex, vast, and all-too-often confusing discourse taking place around the impact of technology on our lives.
The Life Rewired Hub is being programmed in partnership with the British Council and Royal Society, and has been designed by architects Dyvik Kahlen.
Life Rewired Reads

What is the internet doing to our bodies?
'The rise of the web is synonymous with a new kind of body that is noticeably different to the ones which preceded it...'
Vybarr Cregan-Reid considers how the way we use tools changes the way we look, as part of our Life Rewired Reads series.

Who benefits from technological change?
'Will the robots take our jobs? Will we have more time for leisure? Who will be the winners and losers?'
Urvashi Aneja imagines four alternative futures for work in the global south, as part of our Life Rewired Reads series.

Can technology improve how our clothes are made and consumed?
'The fashion industry is heading towards an unsustainable and uncertain future'
Sarah Ditty delves into the past - and future - of fashion, as part of our Life Rewired Reads series.

Does streaming digital entertainment change your perception of time?
'There is seemingly no end to the feed; there will always be more…'
Rebecca Coleman asks what ‘now’ means in a world where media is all-pervasive and always on, as part of our Life Rewired Reads series.

What is the device in your pocket doing to your mind?
'We love and depend on our current adversary. In fact, we carry it around with us everywhere...'
Jamie Bartlett wonders if attention is becoming the most precious resource we have, as part of our Life Rewired Reads series.

What's our relationship with our planet's other alien consciousnesses?
'With AI comes the sense that we might not be the dominant actor for much longer...'
As we build rivals to human intelligence, James Bridle explores our relationship with the other alien consciousnesses, as part of our Life Rewired Reads series.
With thanks