Saved events

General info

Opening hours

Photo of visitors in the Barbican Foyers from above

Plan your visit — and the last train home — by checking the opening hours for all our venues

Whether you're coming for an event or just looking for somewhere to hang out, the Barbican Centre is free to visit. We are open:


  • Monday to Friday 8am — 11pm
  • Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 9am — 11pm
  • New Year's Day 12 noon — 11pm


We are closed on Christmas Eve (24 December), Christmas Day (25 December) and Boxing Day (26 December).

Box Office

Events are available to book online and we're available to answer queries via email:

Our in person ticket desks are open at the following times: 

Ticket and Information desk, Level G - 10:00 - 19:30, Monday to Sunday

Theatre and Concert Hall desk, Level Minus One - 60 minutes before each performance

Cinema ticket desks - 30 minutes before each screening 


Art Gallery

Art Gallery & Gallery Shop

Sat-Sun 10am-6pm (last entry 5pm)
Mon Closed
Tue-Wed 10am-6pm (last entry 5pm)
Thu-Fri 10am-8pm (last entry 7pm)
Bank Holidays 12-6pm (last entry 5pm)

Gallery opening hours depend on the exhibition. See what's on for more information.

Barbican Library

Mon: 9.30am–5.30pm

Tue: 9.30am–7.30pm

Wed: 9.30am–5.30pm

Thu: 9.30am–7.30pm

Fri: 9.30am–5.30pm

Sat: 9.30am–4pm

Sun: closed