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Far From Home (15) + Introduction

Masterpieces of the Iranian New Wave

A man in overalls working with heavy machinery

A meditation on social isolation and stillness, no other film depicts the painful repetitiveness of an immigrant's life with such candid detail.

A transitional work bridging Sohrab Shahid Saless' Iranian period and his extended stay in Germany, Far From Home offers a glimpse into a few days in the life of Husseyin (played by popular actor/director and the film’s co-producer Parviz Sayyad), a Turkish 'guest worker' in West Berlin. 

The film features many elements characteristic of Shahid Saless’ oeuvre: trains, letters written and read, and the despairing sight of empty, unmade beds. The vanity of life is captured in dead moments, when even after a character has walked out the frame the camera lingers, staring into the vacuum and revealing a bleak vision of the world of the exploited and the rootless.

1975 Iran/Germany dir Sohrab Shahid Saless 91 mins, in Turkish and German with English subtitles

Cinema 1