Nature's Heart: LSO x Cassie Kinoshi's seed.

EFG London Jazz Festival

The jazz ensemble seed.

The LSO is joined by the Mercury Prize-nominated ensemble seed., led by saxophonist Cassie Kinoshi, for an evening of new and classic music celebrating the natural world.

Anna Clyne’s vibrant The Midnight Hour opens the evening with a cinematic flair, brimming with rich orchestral colours that set the stage for a night of kaleidoscopic sound. Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, a heartfelt ode to nature, evokes serene landscapes – from babbling brooks to lively folk dances – reflecting the solace the composer found in the natural world.

Closing the performance is Cassie Kinoshi’s brand new piece, HEART, which takes its title and inspiration from Jamaican writer and activist Una Marson’s 1931 poem Nature’s Heart. Seamlessly weaving together musical styles, the work celebrates the beauty of nature while underscoring the urgency of the climate crisis.

Please note start time
In a change to some listings and to tickets purchased before 18 September, please note that the start time for this concert will be 7.30pm rather than 7pm. Ticket holders who booked before 18 September will be reissued their tickets stating the correct start time.
Posted 18 September 2024

The concert will finish at approximately 10pm, including a 20-minute interval.

Part of the EFG London Jazz Festival
