Fountain Room
Sat 28 Oct
10.00am - 1.00pm
Early Animation Magic
Create the illusion of movement just using paper and pens. Make your own zoetropes and animation spinners (thaumtropes) with John Harmer and Shelly Wain.
Five Frame Flip Drop-in
A small fishing community struggles amidst an oil spill. Meanwhile, a joyful young boy battling with his identity finds comfort in his dream of becoming a mermaid.
Stop Frame Animation Workshop
Chocolate Films offers a short, exciting introduction to Stop-motion Animation in a workshop that's designed to inspire children and young people to make their own short films! Using professional animation software, the participants will have a chance to try several different styles of animation using a range of materials such as Plasticine, Lego, whiteboard pens and cut-out silhouettes. These fun and playful sessions can last for one hour and start on the hour 10am, 11am and 12pm.
Learn more about Chocolate Films by clicking the link.
Cinema 2 & 3 Cafe
Sat 29 Oct
10.00 - 11.00am
Free creative workshop with artist Karena Dimitrova
Create artwork inspired by the characters and stories you will hear about and see in the Folk Tales Legends and Fables event with Wendy Shearer at 11.00am.