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Discover Oska Bright (12A) (LC)

Relaxed Screening

Teenager sit on the steps laughing together in a still from We Are Still, Oska Bright

Discover the work of young learning disabled filmmakers in this special screening from Oska Bright Film Festival.

Oska Bright is the leading learning disability film festival and changes the way we see cinema by showcasing the best work of learning disabled or autistic filmmakers.

This strand was programmed by the Young Oska Bright team and features animations, comedies, and dramas from an amazing diversity of young talent.

This screening is preceded by an introduction by young filmmakers, from youth media organisation Mouth That Roars.

Take a look at the full programme below. 

LC = Locally classified

Oska Bright Film Festival logo


The World According to Shady Moonface
Shady Moonface is made using musical instruments, is genderless, and voices the thoughts of our members about their creative process.
UK Dir Dale Smith 1min 46 sec

Moaning, Crying and Barking
A comical documentation of the struggles some people with autism go through in their day to day lives.
UK Dir Chris Butler 3min 58sec

Silk Net
Very simple, a false-burnet moth prepares to turn into a moth. Nothing too hard or complicated, just something colourful and nice.
UK Dir Daniel Aguirre Hansell a.k.a Emerald 1min

Halloween Massacre 2
A bunch of pumpkins are bought from a farm, ready for Halloween carving. Whilst left alone, they plan to make their escape with devastating consequences.
UK Dirs Chris Rumens/Rob Nettleton 3min 45sec

Tiki Trouble
A Tiki mask is stranded on a desert island. He’s all alone. He hopes to one day have a friend.
UK Dirs Chris Rumens/Rob Nettleton 34sec

A lost spaceman travels the earth while waiting to be rescued. He makes some new friends along the way. 
UK Dir Rob Nettleton 4min 56sec

In this short film a young person with autism is exploring his independence, sharing his thoughts as he steps outside.
UK Dir Baylie Bain 3min 42sec

Look For Me
An autistic child’s love of drawing helps them discover an unexpected kindred spirit. Inspired after my own diagnosis of Autism in 2017.
UK Dir Miriam Fox 4min 43sec

The Problems Of The Little Man
A man slips on a snowy day and sees something rather unexpected in the woods. A lighthearted caper.
Russia Dir Alexey Protsenko 2min 17sec

A young man focuses on his sport, trying to overcome the negative voices in his head. Will he succeed and hit the bullseye? 
UK Dir Toby Loxton 6min 55sec
Please note this film contains discriminatory language.

A young boy's first day out in the real world, away from his sheltered home, turns his whole life upside-down.
US Dir Tyler Cunningham 3min 35sec

Starbrights are flying freely until two young men are bored one day and decide to start catching them.
UK Dirs MTR Saturday Regulars 3min 3sec

“It's about the environment. I like to recycle in the big bin, I put plastic bottles there. We are going to look at charity shops to make music. I like music magpie!”
UK Dir Louis Walkden 4min

Two young people enter the same shop where the shopkeeper challenges the wrong one.
UK Dir Conor Powell 3min 3sec 
Please note this film contains an instance of racist behaviour.

The Gruntles 2
Two of the Gruntles family return as spirits to try and spoil the shop. With the help of detectives and an interesting customer, they are banished into the afterlife.
UK Dir Richard Norris 8min 15sec

Tire Swing
Hot in winter, snowy in summer... a little boy, frustrated with climate change hilariously attempts to stop it by dismantling his father's car.
US Dir Gabriel Giaquinto 2min 22sec

We Are
An attempt to dispel the misconceptions of young people on the autism spectrum. 
UK Dirs In Focus Young People 1min 46sec

Barbie meets the love of her life and jets off on an exotic honeymoon to new and exciting destinations.
UK Dir Dikshaa Varadharajan 1min 30sec

A short film made for ‘The Hours of Darkness’, an installation commissioned by Appetite for Stoke-on-Trent's Light Night 2019. What keeps you awake at night?
UK Dirs The Social Agency 2min 53sec

How is this screening Relaxed?

A relaxed event takes place in an environment that is specially tailored for a neurodiverse audience, as well as those who find a more informal setting beneficial. 

The cinema environment is tailored to the needs of the audience.

For this screening:

- The lights are dimmed, though not off.

- The volume levels a little lower than usual.

- At the moment, you have to stay in assigned seats, because of Covid-19 safety measures, but you're free to enter and exit the cinema at any time, with easy access for any wheelchair users.

- You're free to make noise in these screenings. 

- Staff are trained and ready to assist with any help you or other audience members may need while you're at the cinema at Barbican.

A visual guide to our cinemas is available to download. For more information please contact the Box Office

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Barbican Cinema 3