Yoga Nidra
There are a limited number of tickets to also take part in a Yoga Nidra session, facilitated by poet and yoga teacher Simran Uppal, with poetry accompaniment from Mandisa Apena.
You’ll be gently led into a deeply restful space at the edge of sleep for a dreamy, easy, richly creative meditation experience. Yoga Nidra is a gentle practice, with minimal movement involved.
Suitable for all levels. Mats, beanbags, and blankets will be provided.
There is space for wheelchair users.
The yoga session starts at 13:30. Tickets are required and allow ticket holders access to the installation and performances taking place after the yoga session.
13:30 – 14:10 Yoga Nidra, with poetry – participants are welcome to then stay for the installations and performance.
14:30 – 17:00 General Admission – installations and performance
Safety Information
Please check Barbican’s latest Essential Safety Information prior to your visit. We strongly encourage attendees to wear a mask for this event if they can and to make use of the hand sanitising stations at the entrances.
For any further information email creative.learning@barbican.org.uk