Sheku & Isata Kanneh-Mason

Live from the Barbican

Sheku Kanneh-Mason with his cello and Isata Kanneh-Mason in front of the Barbican with radio broadcast waves emitting

A beautiful programme of music for cello and piano by Bridge, Rachmaninov and Britten by the brilliant brother-and-sister duo from ‘Britain’s most musical family’ (The Times).

Few instrumentalists have built such a formidable reputation more quickly than the Kanneh-Masons, each with a classical chart-topper under their belt and still in their early twenties. But this beautifully-conceived programme finds them reunited, doing what they do best – playing chamber music with unparalleled empathy and understanding.

These are sophisticated choices. The glistening light and ominous shade of Britten’s haunted late cello music is explored alongside his complex relationship with his teacher Frank Bridge – music of spring-like freshness and startling depth, performed by two young artists with their own unbreakable bond. 

This performance is subject to government guidelines.

Our Cinema and Hall have been configured for social distancing with fewer seats available. In these venues (until guidance changes) we’ve created specially-distanced seating clusters. Please only sit directly beside someone from your household or support bubble. Please avoid moving seats when you arrive so we can keep a safe distance between you and other groups.

This livestream will be available to watch back until Tue 6 Jul at 8pm. You can buy a ticket up until this point.

Digital programme

Photo of Isata Kanneh-Mason playing the piano

Watch: Isata Kanneh-Mason's Barbican Session

Watch Isata Kanneh-Mason play Brahms's Op 118, No 3 'Ballade' in our Fountain Room.

Barbican Hall