How to watch
1. Choose the concert you want to watch.
2. Add to basket and proceed to purchase.
3. If you already have an account, you can log in during the purchase. If not, create an account as you buy.
4. Once your purchase has gone through, there’ll be a button to click to ‘View videos’, or click on the link in your email, or go to your account.
5. Once you are logged into your account, click on the button to 'Watch Concerts'.
6. Start watching your concert. From purchase, you have 48 hours to start and finish watching the concert. Enjoy!
If you have any issues, please contact our Box Office team via [email protected] between 9.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Digital Programme

Read: Erland Cooper Live from the Barbican
The digital programme for Erland Cooper Live from the Barbican, where Cooper talks to Robin Murray about ushering the magic of Orkney into the Barbican Hall.