Interactive experiences
With one in three of us in the UK today living to see our 100th birthday, we’ll be creating a live installation to make a blueprint for a 100 year life.
What do you want to do on your 40th birthday, or what shouldn't you be doing if you want to reach 70 years old? Come and share your ideas and see how they compare to others as we map our imagined futures together.
Does the year we’re born in change the way we communicate and how do we talk to people who are older or younger than ourselves? In this open workshop we’ll be exploring communication between generations - what works and what needs to change.
Using LiveCodeLab learn how to code your own 3D visuals that shape, form and change as you type. This workshop session will be led by visual artist, Antonio Roberts, who will help you create weird and wonderful art on your computer screen.
In this workshop, we’ll explore the senses that go beyond the five we’re used to as well as how new technology is helping people replace a sense they’ve lost or even develop entirely new ones. You’ll even get to try out a sense-replacing app that helps blind people navigate a world that’s largely set up for those who can see.
Living in a highly connected world can take its toll. One way we can combat stress is to spend time ‘in our senses’, paying attention to what we’re experiencing. In this workshop, we’ll try out some sensory games to help bring calm to your life, and explore what the brain is doing as we play those games.
Electronic music takes breaks new boundaries in the form of algoraves, where musician Deerful and artist Antonio Roberts respond to the live crowd in front of them to create new sounds and visuals using computer coding.
Join Screengrab in their pop-up screen printing studio and have a go printing your very own screen print made by Illustrator Catalina Velásquez from her work on the Life Rewired Reads.
Art and installations
Curator Hector Dyer talks through the newly opened installation, Unclaimed, by The Liminal Space and how art, science and research can be brought together to present a new perspective on ageing.
A live podcast in which Hector Dyer and Pippa Sa host an open discussion into our generations feelings towards growing up and getting old.
The constant presence of screens in our day to day lives has firmly embedded artworks into our daily routines. This mass trivialisation of the image challenges traditional notions of authenticity. In discussing the relationship between his paintings and their digital replicas artist Realf Heygate considers whether the work of art’s once cultic status is reaffirmed, or completely disintegrated.
Kate Fagan, Head of Production at The Smalls, will take you through the dos and don'ts in creating the perfect proposal for a film brief. She'll be discussing her latest commission with the Barbican, The Life Rewired Shorts, and give us her insight as to why the first two videos of the season were chosen.
Join Dr. Anna Ploszajski to explore the futuristic world of smart materials, where solid objects will be able to move, morph, sense and adapt to changes in their environment, not because of cunning robotics or fancy electronics, but because of their intrinsic materials properties. Anna will also be roving through the Barbican Centre throughout the evening demonstrating some of these materials in person.
£6 Young Barbican exhibition tickets
Digital programme
Digital Programme: Young Barbican Nights - Life Rewired Launch
Read our online programme.