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Closing Gala: Everything Must Fall (15*) + ScreenTalk

Human Rights Watch Film Festival 2019

Everything Must Fall

This is the UK premiere of Rehad Desai's unflinching look at the #FeesMustFall student movement that burst onto the South African political landscape in 2015 as a protest over the cost of education.

When South Africa’s universities raised their fees in 2015, a wave of students took to the streets in opposition. Quickly gaining in momentum and scope, the battle cry #FeesMustFall burst onto the political landscape and became a national conversation, bringing attention to the exclusion of poorer black South Africans from higher education, then ultimately calling for the decolonization of the entire education system.

Everything Must Fall features student leaders and their opposition as they unpack how a moment evolved into a mass movement. Demanding governments be held accountable while also challenging deeper racial, gender, class and sexual identity discrimination, this group of inspiring young people demonstrate the power that comes from collective organising which embraces intersectionality to create lasting change.

South Africa/Netherlands/Belgium 2018 Dir Rehad Desai 85 min

Everything Must Fall will also screen on Friday, March 22nd at 10:45am in Cinema 3 for groups of up to 15 secondary school aged 15+ students and their teachers, followed by discussion with the filmmaker Rehad Desai. To bring your students please inquire with

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Barbican Cinema 1