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Big Fat Festival Day

Fertility Fest

hands and eggs

A day full of performances, screenings, talks and panel discussions

The aim of this day is to create a community that travels through the experience together. With a line-up of different artists and fertility experts, some sessions run simultaneously and there is plenty to choose from and something on offer for everyone, whatever your fertility story.

Opening session: 10am-11.15am, Modern Families

​Morning sessions: 11.45am-1pm, choose from three events:

  • The Doctor in the Bedroom
  • The Invisible Man
  • When ART Doesn't Work

​Afternoon sessions: 1.45pm-3.30pm, choose from two events: 

  • The Pursuit of Parenthood
  • The IVF Generation

Final sesson: 4pm-5.15pm, Fertility Fight Club

Key information

We want Fertility Fest to be as inclusive as possible and this means being sensitive to people with and without children. We are conscious that some people who are struggling to conceive or are involuntarily childless find it difficult to be around children. But we are equally conscious that there are people who have been on a long and complex journey to conceive who want to come to the festival and might not have childcare support. We don’t want anyone to feel excluded.

With this in mind, we therefore ask that if you would like to or need to bring children / babes in arms to the event or you find it particularly difficult to be around children then please contact us at ahead for a chat about how to give you the best experience on the day and make sure we can positively address all people’s feelings and needs.

Opening session

Morning sessions

Afternoon sessions

Final session

Part of Life Rewired

A season exploring what it means to be human when technology is changing everything


blonde woman speaking

Watch: Fertility Fest 2018 trailer

A look back at the trailer for Fertility Fest 2018, ahead of further announcements about the upcoming 2019 festival.

The Pit