Inspired by the lives of Warsaw-based artists, Wojtek Bąkowski and Zuzanna Bartoszek, two emblematic figures of the contemporary art scene, this romance examines the relationship between narcissism and love.
Wojtek and Zuzanna's love, art and lives have become inseparable. A Polish Gilbert and George, they even dress the same. Wojtek already has built a reputation as a poet and musician, while Zuzanna is on the verge of her big break. When power begins to shift, these lovers soon find themselves in competition, which poses the question: which is more important, art or love?
Lukasz Ronduda presents his bittersweet love story in a hyper-stylised form with an electronic score that drives relentlessly on while the protagonists and their motivations are dissected.
Vlad Strukov, Professor in Film and Digital Culture, University of Leeds and author of 'Contemporary Russian Cinema: Symbols of a New Era' introduces the film.
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