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Barbican Box Music Showcase

with the Max Richter Quintet

Barbican box showcasee

School groups from across east London present music grounded in their community and their personal histories, having worked with Max Richter’s Barbican Box over the last two terms.

The Barbican Box is, literally, a portable box that contains different sounds and objects to encourage an imaginative approach to making music. Curated this year by Max Richter, who has worked directly with mentors and the young musicians themselves, students from east London used the Box to explore the idea of ‘reflections on yourself’. Here they perform the pieces they’ve shaped throughout the project, and are joined by the Max Richter Quintet, who will also perform.


black and white photo of max

Listen: Max Richter - Sounds and Visions

A selection of the music you can hear at the Max Richter curated Sounds and Visions weekender, at the Barbican in May 2018.

Photo of man playing drum

Listen: Contemporary Classical on Spotify

Discover music from across the Contemporary Classical spectrum – from Judith Weir and George Benjamin to Nils Frahm and Max Richter.

£6 Young Barbican exhibition tickets

Aged 14-25? Sign up for free and unlock £6 exhibition tickets for you and a mate

Barbican Hall