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Another Kind of Life: Photography on the margins

Young Barbican Private View

Young Barbican brings you a night of two halves: Experience exclusive access to the Art Gallery then step into a world of youth culture today with YOUTH CLUB and the House of Bidget.

Another Kind of Life: Photography on the Margins 
The exhibition touches on themes of countercultures and subcultures and features communities of sexual experimenters, romantic rebels, outlaws, survivalists, the economically dispossessed and those who openly flout social convention. 

Museum of Youth Culture
Moving from subcultures to youth culture, YOUTH CLUB will be popping up in the Conservatory, giving you the platform to share your experiences to help build the Museum of Youth Culture. Get chatting and discuss how you would want your life as a young Londoner to be represented.

House of Bidget
For the Finale of the evening, we will be joined by the House of Bidget, as they demonstrate the importance of ‘staying-true-to-you’, through performative drag. Have a dance, enjoy the show but most importantly – be yourself. 

The event will run from 6.30–9.30pm with the Art Gallery open till 8.30pm. A bar serving a mix of soft and alcoholic drinks will be in the Garden Room. Please bring ID.

The average viewing time for the exhibition is 90 minutes, excluding video run time. House of Bidget will be performing once the Art Gallery has closed, be sure to hang around.

This exhibition contains some works of an adult nature.

No photography, food or drink permitted in the gallery. Rucksacks and large bags must be deposited in the cloakroom.

£6 Young Barbican exhibition tickets

Aged 14-25? Sign up for free and unlock £6 exhibition tickets for you and a mate

Art Gallery