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Open Lab Showcase

Raw art from emerging artists

a still from a film

Two evenings of raw performance from Barbican Open Lab's emerging artists after their developmental residencies in the Barbican's Pit Theatre

The Open Lab Showcase presents new work by emerging and mid-career artists after their developmental residencies as part of the Open Lab programme in the Barbican’s Pit Theatre. Open Labs give artists the chance to experiment in a working theatrical space without the expectation of a final product, creating work right at the cutting edge of contemporary performance.

The Showcase promises two evenings of raw performance from some of London's most exciting emerging artists. Thursday 5 Oct includes work from Tian Glasgow and Dickson Mbi with Friday 6 Oct, which has been co-curated with Camden People's Theatre, showcasing a piece from The Lab Collective and an extract of a work in progress from Paula Varjack. Day two will also feature immersive performances throughout the day from Lowri James

Day One performances

Day Two performances


photo of lily james a Barbican young reviewer

Watch: Young Reviewer on This is Rattle

Our Young Reviewer Lily shares her thoughts on the inaugural This is Rattle concerts.

£6 Young Barbican exhibition tickets

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