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The Acts: Content Advice and Resources

The Acts by CRIPtic Arts is a searingly honest, bold, and gripping piece of theatre, bringing together performances from some of the UK’s most exciting disabled theatre makers and companies. The evening consists of four acts by different artists, which vary in content and tone. 

We hope that the content and resources provided here will help audiences experiencing the show, and support planning for anyone who may be concerned about their visit.

There is a Quiet Room nearby The Pit for anyone who would like to take a break during the performance. Our hosts will be on hand to direct you. 

Events and content

Act 1: Over The Moon
Peyvand Sadeghian & Matthew Robinson use immersive projections & material from the NASA archives of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing, to navigate awe, despair, wellness, and isolation in Over The Moon (working title).

This performance includes discussions of mental health. It has a multi-layered and disconcerting sound design.


Act 2: Autistic as Fuck
Stephen Bailey and ASYLUM Arts present the darkly comedic Autistic as Fuckexploring the complexities and contradictions of neurodivergence, masking, and the ways we’re told we need to tell our stories for them to be seen by non-disabled audiences.

This performance includes swearing. It also includes a 1 minute clip of an advert by the charity Autism Speaks, which is deeply ableist and anti-autistic. If you would like to watch this clip before you visit, you can do so here


Act 3: To Rose On Her 18th Birthday
A.C. Smith brings To Rose On Her 18th Birthdaya love letter written by a mother to her daughter as she reaches for joy after twice developing cancer, aware her daughter may have inherited the same genetic risk.

This performance contains references to cancer treatment, death, mortality, needles, medical trauma and allusions to suicide. It also includes shirtless images of Ali, the writer and performer, before and after double mastectomy surgery, including images of breastfeeding, hospital environments, recent wounds, scarring, drains and medical equipment. The images capture the impact of cancer and chemotherapy on Ali and Ali's body and mental health. 


Act 4: Posthuman 
Rachel Gadsden and Freddie Meyers bring PostHuman, a dynamic live art and sound performance that navigates the audience through a journey of PostHuman ideology, addressing how chronic illness and disability not only presents challenges, but also empowers and authorises agency of the body. 

This performance includes references to historical eugenics and present eugenics in medical decision-making, specifically referencing the creator and performer's experience with medically imposed do not resuscitate orders. It features a multilayered soundscape, which includes sirens, medical equipment and alarms. 



Support resources

Mental Health Charity  
Infoline: 0300 123 3393 

LGBTQIA+ focused mental health charity
Infoline: 0300 772 9855

Practical information and emotional support for disabled people.
Infoline: 0808 800 3333


Macmillan Cancer Support
Provides information and support for those living with cancer
Support line: 0808 239 6962 

LGBTQ+ Charity that campaigns to create transformative change 