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Young Visual Arts Group

Photo of two people drawing

The Young Visual Artists Group has been running successfully at the Barbican for the last seven years. During this time, we have met and worked with an incredible collective of young artists, many of whom have gone on to do wonderful things in the visual arts and creative sector more broadly. We are very proud of them, and of their work that we have presented here at the Barbican each year. 

We have decided to pause the programme in its current iteration, so that we can review how the programme is working and put in place any changes to reflect our recently updated organisational purpose and values. This will involve consultation with the people who have been involved with the programme in the past, and research into what changes we may need to make. 

We’d like to extend a huge thanks to the lead artist Jordan McKenzie, with whom we have collaborated closely with for many years, and to each and every one of the young artists who has helped us make the programme such a success. We will update this page with new opportunities when they are available.

£6 Young Barbican exhibition tickets

Aged 14-25? Sign up for free and unlock £6 exhibition tickets for you and a mate

More info

‘You can immerse yourself in all the varying forms of art, be part of a really friendly group and develop ideas you wouldn’t have the materials or opportunity to otherwise‘
Three people in workshop

Watch: Celebrating 10 Years of Creative Learning

When we create, we add something new that didn't exist in the world before that moment. 

Learn more about the work and impact of Barbican Guildhall Creative Learning as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary in 2019. 

With thanks

Arts Council England logo
City of London logo

Young Visual Arts Group is supported by Arts Council England and City Bridge Trust.