Saved events


fragmented glass image on a black background

Experience ShadowBody, an interactive short film set in a fictional future.

Weaving together gameplay, memory, self-identity and power, ShadowBody is a short story game.

Set in the near future where a piece of technology called Shadow Body has been introduced to the public. These shadow bodies are ways of containing all of a person’s individual data in one object, which is ‘owned’ by the individual. One can also use the shadow body to store personal data like photos, and personal memorabilia. For this reason, shadow bodies are being used in a medical context, as they provide insight into a patient’s past.

You'll be playing the role of a doctor investigating memories through a ShadowBody.

Created by Arabella Turner.

£6 Young Barbican exhibition tickets

Aged 14-25? Sign up for free and unlock £6 exhibition tickets for you and a mate

Event Information

This event will be taking place on Saturday 30 April from 3-6pm. 

This event will be taking place in the Conservatory.

Drop-in. No sign-up is required. 


Arabella Turner

girl with blonde hair wearing black jumper standing outside in the sun.

Arabella Turner

Arabella Turner is an artist who works with lens-based media, including video, 3D rendering software and games engines.

Often these works take the form of short films and multimedia installations. Common questions in her practice are: What can our relationships with technology teach us about our inner lives? How can technology empower/disempower us? And, when does an image have a sense of inner life?
