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Simon McBurney in The Encounter
Long read

Complicite: The Encounter

Simon McBurney and Marcus du Sautoy discuss the role of consciousness in 'The Encounter', a theatrical retelling of the incredible true story of National Geographic photographer, Loren McIntyre and his journey into in a remote area of Brazil in 1969

Illustration of Shirley Chisholm
Long read

She Persisted: Shirley Chisholm

Inspired by Chisholm '72: Unbought and Unbossed – about the first black woman US presidential candidate, Shirley Chisholm – gal-dem discuss the echoes of politics then and now, intersectionality and a generation hungry for more stories like Shirley's

Illustration of Malalai Joya
Long read

She Persisted: Malalai Joya

Inspired by documentary Enemies of Happiness – about Afghan MP and activist Malalai Joya – OOMK chair a discussion on how to create space for Muslim, female empowerment in 2018

Illustration of Georgina Beyer
Long read

She Persisted: Georgina Beyer

Inspired by documentary Georgie Girl – about the world's first trans MP, Georgina Beyer – Cause & Effect zine chair a discussion in response: talking trans visibility, the treachery of 'firsts' and how to bring outsider politics to the mainstream. 

A man in white tshirt wearing handcuffs
Long read

Opera as Politics

Professor Sarah Hibberd explores the history of opera as a vehicle for reflecting, responding to and even effecting political change.

Thrills on the Underground
Long read

The Modern Silent

Silent London’s Pamela Hutchinson looks back at the origins of silent cinema and contemplates the striking similarities to what we’re watching now on our phones and on the big screen.