Press room
Barbican Visual Arts events programme - including launch of Pay What You Can
Barbican Visual Arts events programme – Autumn/Winter 2022, plus Barbican Art Gallery announces Pay What You Can
The latest talks, curators’ tours, workshops and special events complimenting exhibitions Carolee Schneemann: Body Politics and Soheila Sokhanvari: Rebel Rebel, including a Schneemann-inspired cinema season
New events from Barbican’s Architecture on Stage, a programme of talks by the world's leading architects, and from performingborders: Body, Politics & Live Art series
Barbican launches a Pay What You Can ticket offer for Carole Schneemann: Body Politics every Friday 5-8pm, with prices starting at £3. On sale on Fri 11 Nov, 10am
Free scheme Young Barbican members pay £5 across all events
The full release, including all upcoming events, is available to view and download in PDF format from the sidebar. Please contact the press office if you need any further information.
Lily Booth, Communications Officer:
Georgia Holmes, Communications Assistant: