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Creative Careers

Make money from your music

two drums with drumsticks held by a drummer

Get first hand advice from music publisher and music business consultant, Paulette Long OBE about how to make money out of your music.

If you love writing, producing or performing songs, and want your music to be heard (whether online or live on stage), this month’s Creative Careers session is all about turning your passion into pounds. We’ll be joined by music publisher and music business consultant, Paulette Long OBE, who will map out the various income streams that generate money and look at how you can ensure that that income flows straight into your pocket.

From current radio rates, to Mechanical Royalties, to Sync rights, this session aims to unpick the specifics and guide you down the avenue that is right for your song, whatever stage you’re at in your music career.

About Paulette

With over 32 years’ experience in the Music industry, Paulette Long OBE offers a personalised consultancy and advice service for artists, producers, songwriters, managers, and others working within the sector, whether established or up-and coming. Paulette’s experience runs the gauntlet of music publishing, PR, marketing and promotions, artist management, live events and label management.

Her clients have received assistance with contractual queries, the lack of agreements within a project, musical direction, action plans for songwriting careers, advice on approaching publishers, general guidance on artist or production careers, amongst many other things. Paulette’s main ethos is to help you identify income streams and maximise your income in a way that works for you so you can turn your creativity into a solid business.

Creative Careers

Creative Careers sessions are workshops and talks designed to unpack the creative industries and give you insight and support as a developing arts professional. These sessions will give you the chance to meet like-minded people and industry leaders who will share their experiences and expertise in their field.

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actress in the cinema

Barbican Meets: Actress


We talk to Actress (Darren Cunningham), about his upcoming project with the London Contemporary Orchestra, and his relationship to acoustic instruments.