General info

Map & Directions

Photo of steps in the Barbican estate

However you like to travel, here are some of our recommended routes to get to all venues within the Barbican. 

The Barbican is within walking distance of several tube and train stations and bus routes. You can also walk to the Barbican within 30 minutes from much of central London and explore the city on your way. Car parking is available if you are travelling by car and can be booked in advance

Choose your preferred method of transport or the venue you're visiting at the Barbican to find for guidance on how best to get yourself there, whether you're looking for the most direct or a more scenic route...

To help you pinpoint our Silk Street entrance, you can use this what3words address: ///

For up to date travel information and routes, visit the Transport for London Journey Planner

I am travelling to the Barbican by...

I am visiting the...


You can find details of all the venues within the Barbican in our Access Guide

The Barbican has free parking for Blue Badge holders - visit our Accessible Facilities page for full details of our accessible parking facilities and how to book your space.