General info
Map & Directions

However you like to travel, here are some of our recommended routes to get to all venues within the Barbican.
The Barbican is within walking distance of several tube and train stations and bus routes. You can also walk to the Barbican within 30 minutes from much of central London and explore the city on your way. Car parking is available if you are travelling by car and can be booked in advance.
Choose your preferred method of transport or the venue you're visiting at the Barbican to find for guidance on how best to get yourself there, whether you're looking for the most direct or a more scenic route...
To help you pinpoint our Silk Street entrance, you can use this what3words address: ///
For up to date travel information and routes, visit the Transport for London Journey Planner.
Barbican Centre
Silk St
I am travelling to the Barbican by...
We are within walking distance of a number of London Underground and Elizabeth Line stations, the closest being Barbican, St Paul’s, Farringdon and Moorgate
Barbican: 4 min walk; Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, Circle lines
Moorgate: 7 min walk; Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, Circle, Northern lines, Elizabeth Line (use the Moorgate exit for Liverpool St stop)
Farringdon: 8 min walk; Elizabeth line
St Paul's: 11 min walk; Central line
The nearest tube station served by the Night Tube (Friday and Saturday) is St Paul's on the Central line.
Plan your journey and find up to date travel information on the TfL website.
The nearest train stations are Liverpool Street and Farringdon.
Liverpool Street: 11 min walk
Farringdon: 8 min walk
Old Street and Moorgate are also served by Great Northern and Thameslink trains and are within walking distance of the Barbican.
The new Elizabeth Line can be accessed from Farringdon Station.
Plan your journey and find up to date travel information on the National Rail website.
Bus Route 153 runs directly past the Barbican along Chiswell Street. Alight at 'Silk Street'.
The Barbican is also close to Bus Route 4 and 56 which serve Barbican tube station.
We are easily accessible by bus from around the city; plan your journey and see live bus times on the TfL Interactive Bus Map.
You can walk to the Barbican within 30 minutes from all over central London, giving you the chance to explore the city on on your way.
Plan your route with our walking map from nearby tube stations and public transport.
Until autumn 2019, Moorfields Highwalks will be closed for public access. Find out about alternative routes.
Walking distances*
Old Street: 11 mins
Liverpool Street: 11 mins
Farringdon: 13 mins
St Paul's: 13 mins
Cannon Street: 16 mins
Spitalfields Market: 18 mins
Further afield
Blackfriars: 20 mins
Aldgate East: 22 mins
Tower Bridge: 25 mins
London Bridge: 25 mins
Columbia Road: 26 mins
Holborn: 27 mins
Tate Modern: 27 mins
* approximate
Cycle racks are available at the entrance to Car Park 5 and exit to Car Park 3, which are accessible from inside the Beech Street tunnel. There are also additional bike racks on Silk Street and Golden Lane.
There are TfL Cycle Hire Docking Stations located on Silk Street and Beech Street. You can find the nearest docking station and bike availability on Citymapper.
Helmets and equipment can be left in our free cloakrooms, located on Level -1.
Plan your journey using the TfL Cycle Journey Planner.
The Barbican is clearly sign-posted and has car parking on Beech Street and Silk Street.
For those visiting by coach, Silk Street is the designated set down and collect point. Find out more.
The nearest river bus station is Blackfriars Millennium Pier, which is a 25 minute walk from the Barbican
Plan your journey and find up to date travel information on the TfL website.
I am visiting the...
The Barbican Theatre is located within the main Barbican building. Head to Level G and follow the signs to find your seating level.
The Barbican Hall is located within the main Barbican building. Head to Level G and follow the signs to find your seating level.
There are three Cinemas at the Barbican - you can find out which venue your screening is in on the event page or your ticket.
Barbican Cinema 1 is located within the main Barbican building on Level -2. Head to Level G and walk towards the Lakeside Terrace where you’ll find stairs and lifts to take you down to the venue floor.
Barbican Cinema 2 & 3 are located on Beech Street, a short walk from the Barbican’s Silk Street entrance. From Silk Street, you’ll see a zebra crossing that will take you across the road to the venue.
To help you pinpoint the Cinema 2 & 3 venue, you can use this what3words address: ///sizes.wake.digits
The Art Gallery is located on Level 3 and can be accessed by stairs and lifts from Level G or via the Sculpture Court if coming from outside.
The Curve is located on Level G and can be found at the bottom of the Silk Street entrance ramp, opposite the Barbican Shop.
The Barbican Libraries are located on Level 2 within the Barbican. They can be accessed from the main building via stairs or lifts from Level G or via Frobisher Crescent from the highwalks.
Milton Court is located within the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and is approximately a 5 minute walk from the Barbican entrance on Silk Street. Moorgate is the nearest Tube or train stop, served by Circle, Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan and Northern lines and National Rail. The Elizabeth line stop at Liverpool Street has an exit at Moorgate also.
The what3words address for Milton Court is: ///glory.pushy.slide
The Pit is located on Level -2 within the main Barbican building and can be accessed via the stairs or lifts on Level G, next to the doors to the Lakeside Terrace.
The Silk Street Theatre is located in the main Guildhall School building on Silk Street but can also be accessed from the Barbican if you exit via the doors next to Barbican Kitchen on Level G.
The what3words address for the Silk Street Theatre is: ///foal.lately.audit
The Barbican Conservatory is located on Level 3, if you’re coming from inside the main Barbican building.
From the Barbican highwalks, follow signs to the ‘Barbican Centre’. Walking from Barbican tube station, you’ll see a steps with ‘Art Gallery’ above them, these will lead you up to the Sculpture Court where you'll see a sign for the Conservatory.
The Frobisher Rooms and Frobisher Auditoriums are located on Level 4.
Head to Level G and walk towards the Lakeside Terrace where you’ll find stairs and lifts to take you to the venue floor. Walk through the glass link bridge, past the Conservatory and the venues are located around the crescent.
You can find details of all the venues within the Barbican in our Access Guide.
The Barbican has free parking for Blue Badge holders - visit our Accessible Facilities page for full details of our accessible parking facilities and how to book your space.