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Unframed City, paintings by Adrian Eckersley

A Barbican Library Free Foyer Exhibition

A painting by artist Adrian Eckersley

The city is overwhelming - too close, too elsewhere, too familiar, too strange, too crowded, too lonely...  No possible overview, instead only vistas, fragments, moments.

Adrian Eckersley says " I have been exhibiting, solo and with small groups, in London and the south east, since around 2000.  At first I liked to paint alien spaces - motorways, tunnels, transit hubs; now I often paint more public spaces - lonely crowds, night leisure haunts, shopping malls.  My paintings include frames, but the city – often but not always London - has no frame."

Please note that the library is closed on Sundays and will also be closed for the bank holiday on Monday 6 May.

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Barbican Library