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A TOAST Circle Pop-Up in Partnership with Phoebe English

an image of textiles

Join lifestyle brand, TOAST, to discover a capsule collection created in partnership with fashion designer Phoebe English and participate in a programme of creative textile and repair workshops.

Alongside our exhibition, Purple Hibiscus by Ibrahim MahamaBritish lifestyle brand, TOAST, is delighted to present a capsule collection created in partnership with fashion designer Phoebe English. Creative textile workshops guided by TOAST repair specialists and guests including Ekta Kaul and Maria Sigma, explore themes shared with the exhibition.

TOAST's committed to preserving craftsmanship, creating long-lasting collections from quality materials; each item becoming a treasured piece to keep and pass on. TOAST Circle keeps items in use for longer, championing textiles in all of its forms, one stitch, swap, renewal and donation at a time. Visit the pop-up to connect through clothes swapping, shop their latest Renewed collection, learn techniques for textile repair and donate preloved items to extend their journey.

Event schedule

TOAST & Phoebe English: A Repurposed Capsule Collection
Fri 17 Mon 27 May
Level G Hub

Alongside a rich and varied events programme (details below), TOAST will present a seven piece A seven-piece repurposed collection by award-winning British fashion designer Phoebe English. Known for her sculptural silhouettes and innovative exploration of materials, Phoebe English uses a circular design approach to reject fast fashion and create clothing with the planet’s finite resources in mind. The collection celebrates lost or little-used fabrication techniques with a respect for construction. Using fabric off-cuts and returned or damaged TOAST items, Phoebe has created seven unique pieces with minimal waste, each reimagined using patchworking, weaving, deconstruction and her signature pattern-cutting techniques. The collaboration - demonstrating a synergy between TOAST’s approach to fostering longevity and circularity and Phoebe’s dedication to exploring less extractive methods of fashion design - will be available to purchase via silent auction from Friday 17 May with all proceeds going to TOAST charity partner Traid, which works to reduce the social and environmental impact of our garments.


TOAST Repair Consultations
Fri 17 May Sun 27 May, 11am-6pm 
Level G Hub 
Free, booking required

Whether darned, reworked or visibly mended using techniques like sashiko repair, a garment that has been given a new life continues to tell a story of the wearer. For the duration of our pop-up, TOAST Repair specialists will be available for free drop-in consultations. Bring any cherished garment along and discover a variety of creative mending options. These consultations are free to attend with the opportunity to donate to TOAST’s charity partner, Traid.


Sashiko Repair with TOAST Repair Specialists
Fri 17 May, 10am12pm & Tue 21 May, 46pm 
Level G Hub 
Free, booking required 

TOAST workshops on sashiko – meaning 'little stabs' in Japanese – demonstrate how to reinforce clothing with embroidered patches. Here, a TOAST Repair specialist will teach you how to do it yourself, should you have any small holes or tears that need repairing. These workshops are free to attend with the opportunity to donate to TOAST’s charity partner, Traid.

A TOAST & Traid Clothes Swapping Event
Sat 18 & Sun 19 May, 11am4:30pm & Thu 23 May 4–9pm
The Studio, Level G 
Free, booking required 

TOAST Exchange explores a garment's life beyond its first wearer. For our pop-up at the Barbican, TOAST are partnering with clothes-swapping company, Verte, to invite you to swap any cherished item in your wardrobe for another. Bring up to five worn garments, regardless of the brand, to trade for tokens. Alongside Verte, the TOAST and Traid teams will assess each item to ensure its condition meets our swapping criteria. After receiving a token in exchange for each piece, you can browse the pre-worn rails and exchange them for others to cherish and take home. Each item will feature a story label detailing its history from the previous wearer and dedicated swap slots will create a relaxed environment for browsing and exchange.

Sat 18 & Sun 19 May, 11am–4.30pm, The Studio, Level G.
Drop Off One: 11–11:45am & Swap One: 12–1.30pm 
Drop Off Two: 2–2:45pm & Swap Two: 3–4.30pm 

Thu 23 May 4–9pm, The Studio, Level G.
Drop Off One: 4–4:45pm & Swap One: 5–6.30pm 
Drop Off Two: 6.30–7:15pm & Swap Two: 7.30-9pm  

Icelandic-Inspired Reading & Repair Workshop with Katie Treggiden
Mon 20 May, 24pm
Level G Hub
Tickets: £20 All proceeds will be donated to Traid.

Led by Katie Treggiden, circularity advocate and author of Broken: Mending and Repair in a Throwaway World, this gathering is inspired by the Icelandic tradition of kvöldvaka, which sees family and friends come together during long winter evenings to share stories and work on handicrafts. This event combines a repair workshop, reading and Q&A. Participants are invited to bring their own mending projects to work on. 


Knitwear Darning with TOAST Repair Specialists
Thu 23 May, 57pm & Sun 26 May, 10am12pm 
Level G Hub
Free, booking required

Join TOAST Repair specialists to learn the basics of knitwear darning. During this workshop you will be guided through the practice of repairing your knitwear through a traditional woven darning technique. After learning about the technique, you will be invited to begin a repair on your own cherished item, from knitted socks and jumpers to blankets and homewares. These workshops are free to attend with the opportunity to donate to TOAST’s charity partner, Traid.


I AM HERE: Exploring Place & Belonging through Kantha Stitch with Ekta Kaul 
Fri 24 May, 24pm 
Level G Hub 
Tickets: £20 All proceeds will be donated to Traid.

Join artist Ekta Kaul for a Kantha embroidery workshop exploring place and belonging through stitch. Kantha is a stitch technique from the Indian subcontinent, with a rich heritage rooted in storytelling and upcycling. Using the traditional vocabulary of stitches, you will embellish a map of London illustrated by the artist. By the end of the workshop you will have the skills to develop your own Kantha projects, as well as a deeper understanding of this mindful craft.


Weaving from Waste with Maria Sigma 
Sat 25 May, 3–5pm  
Level G Hub 
Tickets: £30 and include a beginner's weaving kit. All proceeds will be donated to Traid.

Join Maria Sigma to learn the basics of weaving, discovering how to turn your old textiles into a unique wall hanging. During this workshop you will learn how to use the weaving equipment, how to select and prepare materials and how to weave a small wall hanging, piece of patchwork or abstract artwork using a colour palette that reflects our Spring Summer 2024 collection, Outdoor Pursuits. Through exploring the potential to repurpose your textile items, we hope you will leave feeling equipped and inspired to begin more weaving projects of your own. Open to all abilities and all materials will be provided. You are also welcome to bring any of your own materials along.


Working with Waste: From Appliqué to Patchworking with Isabel Fletcher 
Sun 26 May, 2–4pm 
Level G Hub 
Tickets: £25 All proceeds will be donated to Traid.

During this workshop you will discover how textile waste can be used as the starting point for design; taking inspiration from the fabric manipulation techniques used by London-based fashion designer Phoebe English in her repurposed capsule collection in collaboration with TOAST. Using pre- and post-consumer waste, you will explore a range of techniques, from appliqué and button-making to quilting and patching demonstrating how waste can be incorporated into everyday sewing projects. Following the workshop, you will have the chance to discover the unique repurposed pieces alongside the latest TOAST Renewed collection. This workshop is suitable for both complete beginners and those with sewing experience.

Bitesize Barbican

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TOAST meets the curators of Unravel

Level G