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The Score(s): III – Performance by

Carrie Mae Weems: Reflections for Now (Rohan Ayinde / Yewande YoYo Odunubi), The Score(s): III (2022), Performed at Calling the Body to attention by Yewande YoYo Odunubi, presented by ICF.

A performance by using Carrie Mae Weems’ Kitchen Table Series as a departure point for thinking about b/Black interiority and imagination.

What is located between the everyday experience of b/Black aliveness (1) and the desire to create structural change and imagine new worlds? Weaving together a growing body of ‘texts’, this live performance is an embodied translation of Yewande YoYo Odunubi and Rohan Ayinde’s collaborative studying practice. In iteration III of The Score(s) they animate the quiet magnitude of five photos from Carrie Mae WeemsKitchen Table Series with movement, sound and dialogue. This piece responds to and draws on a Black Radical Tradition(2) that spans a multiplicity of b/Black geographies and spacetimes.

Dive into the “texts” explored in The Score(s): III here.


(1) Kevin Quashie, ‘Black Aliveness, or A Poetics of Being.’
(2) Cedric Robinson, ‘Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition.’

If ticket price is a barrier to attendance, please email is the wayward/motile collaboration between Rohan Ayinde and Yewande YoYo Odunubi. Working across mediums and between individual practices, their work explores the relationship between source material and final output, experimenting with different modes of translation and collaborative improvisation. From this space they generate a continuously unfolding landscape they’ve termed the 'b/Black Expansive Imagination.' Drifting between text, movement, mark-making, video and curatorial projects their work seeks to develop language(s) that help them understand new ways for being/becoming in this world. 

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