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Dr Strangelove (PG)

Science on Screen

A still from Stanley Kubrick's Dr Strangelove

One of Stanley Kubrick's finest films, this extraordinary, jet-black comedy satire about an unhinged American general hellbent on nuclear war with the Soviets, is as funny as it is scary.  

For every potential eventuality an additional failsafe procedure is constructed. This gives the illusion of total control – that the most terrible of outcomes can always be contained. How close is this scenario to the complex, interconnected global systems which each one of us depends on every day? 

Astrophysicist Sandra Chapman grapples with these questions before a screening of Kubrick’s nuclear comedy masterpiece, starring the inimitable Peter Sellers

UK/US 1964 Dir Stanley Kubrick 103 min



Please arrive promptly at the advertised start time

Proof of ID may be requested on entry to films, in compliance with BBFC ratings

Prof S. C. Chapman, Ph.D D.I.C.(Physics) BSc(Hons) A.R.C.S.(Physics) , CPhys FInstP, FRAS
Sandra Chapman is primarily but not exclusively a plasma physicist working on problems in astrophysics and in the laboratory. She is currently Professor of Physics and Director of the Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics at the University of Warwick.


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Barbican Cinema 2