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Shabaka Hutchings & Britten Sinfonia

Concerts On Demand

Shabaka Hutchings with a silhouette of the Barbican behind him

This concert will be available to watch On Demand while we can’t be with you in person. Click to buy, and your stream will be available to watch for 48 hours.

Explore the chameleon-like nature of the clarinet with Shabaka Hutchings and revel in Aaron Copland’s joyful slice of Americana, Appalachian Spring.

A central member of the new London jazz scene, clarinettist, saxophonist and composer Hutchings blurs the lines between jazz and classical music in Copland’s Clarinet Concerto, written for the legendary ‘King of Swing’ Benny Goodman. Reflecting further on the jazz idiom, he takes on Igor Stravinsky’s 3 Pieces For Clarinet Solo, then continues this theme in real time with a short solo clarinet improvisation.

Britten Sinfonia will also perform Copland’s musical portrait of 19th century pioneers, which brings together traditional Shaker melodies with his quintessentially American sound in one of classical music’s most-loved pieces.

Approximate running time: 1 hour 2 minutes including interval

Produced by the Barbican in association with Britten Sinfonia

Part of EFG London Jazz Festival

Generously supported by Trevor Fenwick and Jane Hindley and Cockayne – Grants for the Arts and the London Community Foundation

With thanks to

Cockayne - Grants for the Arts logo
The London Community Foundation logo

How to watch

1.    Choose the concert you want to watch.
2.    Add to basket and proceed to purchase.

3.    If you already have an account, you can log in during the purchase. If not, create an account as you buy. 

4.    Once your purchase has gone through, there’ll be a button to click to ‘View videos’, or click on the link in your email, or go to your account.

5.    Once you are logged into your account, click on the button to 'Watch Concerts'.
6.    Start watching your concert. From purchase, you have 48 hours to start and finish watching the concert. Enjoy! 

If you have any issues, please contact our Box Office team via between 9.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. 

Digital programme


photo of shabaka hutchings

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Listen: Jazz on Spotify

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