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The Work (15)

Still from The Work

This incredible documentary takes us inside an intense, four-day therapy session with the inmates of Folsom State Prison in Sacramento, California.

This incredible documentary takes us inside an intense, four-day therapy session with the inmates of Folsom State Prison in Sacramento, California.

Twice a year, prisoners mingle with free men to discuss their pasts, anxieties, emotional wounds and problematic behaviour – criminal and otherwise. Rather than rubber-necking into the psyche of unfortunate souls, what emerges is a fascinating picture of masculinity. More than this, we’re placed inside the prison, with these individuals, so the stakes are high for us, even as viewers.

Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at this year’s SWSW and a hit at Sheffield Doc/Fest (where the film had its UK premiere), the directors Jairus McLeary and Gethin Aldous have created an unusual work with real emotional intelligence.


Tagged with: Cinema New releases

US 2017 Dir Jairus McLeary, Gethin Aldous 87 min

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Photo of Feld installation at Possibly Colliding

Watch: Possibly Colliding by FELD

From Berlin to the Barbican, digital craft studio FELD designed a spatial installation in the foyer, exploring the theme of collision as two revolving arms narrowly evade each other in a huge mobile of light and sound in constant motion.

Barbican Cinema 1

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