Young Barbican Takeover: Girlhood

Reserve your space


Reserve your space for this screening of Céline Sciamma's Girlhood with an introduction from the co-found of T A P E Collective, Isra Al Kassi.

Join us for a screening of this French coming-of-age drama that follows Marieme (Karidja Touré), a young girl navigating the challenges of adolescence in a tough Paris suburb. As she joins a gang of free-spirited girls, Marieme slowly comes out of her shell and experiences moments of shared joy and freedom.

This is event part of the Young Barbican Takeover, a vibrant day of events for young creatives, including workshops, live music, film screenings, panel discussions and more. 

Audiences must purchase a £10 Festival Pass before reserving their free ticket to this event. 

Age guidance: 15+

Young Barbican
Our Young Barbican scheme is a community designed to inspire young creatives. Aged 14-25? Join Young Barbican for free and get access to discounted tickets on unmissable art, entertainment, food and shopping. 

You don't need to be a Young Barbican member to enjoy this event, it's open to all.


Presented by the Barbican's Creative Collaboration team.


Cinema 1