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Raga Wellbeing with Jason Kalidas

Darbar Festival

Jason Kalidas playing the bansuri

Delve into the holistic aspects of Indian classical music and experience the healing power of Indian ragas on the bansuri and tanpuras.

Playing ragas is an ancient tradition of healing music and sound, rooted in Naad Yoga (Yoga of Sound). These musical formulas are designed to resonate with specific emotional states, aiming for emotional wellbeing, deep meditation, and healing. Jason Kalidas, a renowned flautist, will guide you through this rich tradition, demonstrating how different ragas can create a harmonious balance within using live tanpuras, a drone instrument which forms the DNA of Indian classical music.

Each raga, with its specific mood and emotional landscape, helps to cultivate inner peace, reduce stress, and enhance overall wellbeing. This immersive experience will demonstrate how the soothing tones of the flute can open the heart, calm the mind, and rejuvenate the spirit.

Please arrive 15 minute early to find your way to the correct Frobisher Rooms, register and be seated.

This performance will finish at approximately 8.15pm

Produced by Darbar in association with the Barbican

*Excludes £1.50 booking fee

Frobisher Rooms