Journeys across Afro-Futurism
On sale to Members Wednesday 6 April, 10am
On general sale Thursday 7 April, 10am

This programme speculates on the impact and directions that the cultural aesthetic, and the ideas of Afro Futurism, have taken on within the medium of cinema.
Establishing the origin of this concept, in filmic terms at least, within an African American context through the figures of Sun Ra, Shirley Clarke and Ornette Coleman, brings together questions of music, social inequality, the city and of African iconography.
Having introduced these canonical films, the programme moves to ask the question: where have the traditions of Afro Futurism developed to? Seeking answers across the wider African Diaspora, incorporating the global south and Black communities across the west, to highlight the international dimensions that filmmakers have sought to enact their reflections on possible Black futures.