Noguchi Family Workshop

An image of akari lights the Noguchi exhibition

Join us for a family day inspired by Noguchi. 

This workshop focuses on a major part of Noguchi’s practice – play! Taking his work within the public realm and with interlocking sculptures as a starting point, participants will be invited to collectively build and create a new structure. Each group will use a different material and by the end of the day you will have contributed to the ultimate public sculpture.

The workshop will be led by multi-disciplinary social art practitioner Youngsook Choi and designer, Artist and Maker Eva Freeman.

Whilst you are here why not also check out Squish Space, discover the secret life of the conservatory or Family Film Club and make a day of it with the whole family.

If you are visiting the Noguchi exhibition don't forget to pick up one of our family activity sheets!


Booking essential, places are very limited. 

Please book for the exact number of adults and children that will be coming.

We would appreciate if you let us know at if you can no longer attend.

Suitable for children of all ages and their family members

£6 Young Barbican exhibition tickets

Aged 14-25? Sign up for free and unlock £6 exhibition tickets for you and a mate


Noguch animation by James Yang

Noguchi Family Activities

Take inspiration from Isamu Noguchi's art and learn more about his distinctive style with these fun animated activities to make you and your family feel creative.

Illustrations by James Yang, author of 'A Boy Named Isamu'

Garden Room