Family Film Club in the Foyers

If you’re keen to get the family back to the big screen, this is for you!
Bring along your own blanket and pillow for picnic-style screenings in our level minus 1 foyer, and watch some great international films – all at a safe social distance, of course.
Booking is essential and you can book in groups of up to 6 people but you must be from the same household and/or social bubble. Each booking is allocated a 4-seater sofa and floor area, socially distanced from other groups. Hand sanitiser points are located throughout the building.
We ask you to bring your own pillows and blankets for sitting on the floor.
All audience members over 12 years old are required to wear a mask for the whole event (apart from when eating and/or drinking) and we request that people respect social distancing at all times.