Booking fees
£4 booking fee per online/phone transaction.
No fee when tickets are booked in person.
Booking fees are per transaction and not per ticket. If your booking contains several events the highest booking fee will apply. The booking fee may be reduced on certain events. Members do not pay booking fees.
Stage Times
7.30pm Jlin
8pm Interval
8.20pm Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith
9.15pm Interval
9.35pm Infra
Following the concert electronic musician and visual artist AGF aka Antye Greie-Ripatti performs on the Clubstage, bringing day one of Sounds and Visions to a close.

Listen: Max Richter - Infra
Listen to Max's 2010 album, 'Infra'.

Listen: Contemporary Classical on Spotify
Discover music from across the Contemporary Classical spectrum – from Judith Weir and George Benjamin to Nils Frahm and Max Richter.