Discover post-war Japanese architecture through our series of videos and talks.
The Japanese House: Life and Architecture after 1945

Discover post-war Japanese architecture through our series of videos and talks.
We caught up with Japanese architect Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA) to discuss one of the best-known projects of SANAA, the Moriyama House, now recreated inside our Gallery as part of The Japanese House exhibition.
Renowned architect Kazuyo Sejima explores the relationship between the individual and Japan's advanced information society as she revisits domestic projects, looking at the principles behind key houses such as House in Plum Grove (2003), featured in our current exhibition 'The Japanese House: Architecture and Life after 1945'.
Delving further into the experimental process behind Sou Fujimoto’s domestic work, the architect expands on the essential question of boundaries, addressing how to bridge the scale of the human body with that the chaotic metropolis by talking through some of his most acclaimed houses: Primitive Future House, House N and House NA, among others.
Japanese architect Terunobu Fujimori shares his expertise about the history and traditions of Japanese teahouse architecture - and how his own work plays with these traditions to create his fantastical designs.
Watch our timelapse to see how we transformed our Art Gallery into the Moriyama House, designed by Ryue Nishizawa and created a magical garden for Terunobu Fujimori's specially commissioned teahouse.
Revisit our 2017 exhibition, The Japanese House: Architecture and Life after 1945, in this online exhibition tour with Google Arts & Culture.