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Electronic music, natural sounds...

Pan Daijing sings into a microphone with her head leaned back

Electronic musicians and producers take their signature ambient and techno sounds down new routes, experimenting with acoustic instrumentation.

From data and computer artist Ryoji Ikeda presenting a new piece written for percussionists, to Tim Hecker performing with a traditional Japanese Gagaku ensemble and Pan Daijing exploring the use of voice, musicians from the forefront of experimental electronic music defy expectations and push the boundaries of their performance.


£6 Young Barbican exhibition tickets

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portrait of holly herndon in london

Listen: Electronic Music on Spotify

Follow our regularly updated Electronic Music playlist for a sample of the music you'll hear across our programme. 

Illustration of a Japanese garden

Long read: Japanese Pioneers

Tokyo-based journalist Ian F Martin looks back through the decades to see who was responsible for the genre-defining music emerging from the Japanese underground scenes over the past 40 years.