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Barbican to temporarily close

Please see below the public information just published on the Barbican website regarding the temporary closure of the Barbican to safeguard public health:

The Barbican is temporarily closed until further notice due to new UK Government advice on Coronavirus/Covid-19. The safety of our staff and audiences is our most important consideration, so we’ve taken the decision to fully close the building during this period.

We’re sorry to the artists and audiences affected and recognise the significant impact that this closure will have on all those we work with or that are due to attend our events.

Please keep checking this page for the latest information on refunds for cancelled events. As we’re having to cancel or postpone a large number of events, please be patient with us and try to avoid contacting our box office at this stage and we’ll be providing full information as soon as we can.

The Barbican relies on box office income and donations to deliver our programme, pay staff and artists and to run our building. The current situation presents a very significant financial challenge to us, alongside the artists and organisations we work with, so, if you’re able, please consider making a donation to help support our future work.

Thanks for bearing with us during this unprecedented situation and we hope to be able to welcome you back to the Barbican soon.